Stop Smoking Week Two

Stop smoking week two:

During the second week our body is slowly finding the hormonal balance which was disturbed by abruptly taking away the constant supply of nicotine. Unlike quitting on the first of January like many people do, I suggest to stop smoking while in regular month where you are doing your regular routines. As most smokers develop a smoking pattern like smoking after a certain period of time or smoking after certain events such as eating or travelling. During week one, we are reminded almost all the time (unless using nicotine patches or gum). Week two brings challenges during our regular routines. After most meals I would stand up and start walking to the kitchen, where I used to smoke, and then realize that I quit smoking. While driving my car I would often reach to my pocket and be shocked that there was no package of cigarettes. Waking up in the morning, finding no cigarettes next to my cup of coffee was horrifying. Every time I went somewhere or did something for the first time since stopping smoking I was reminded of the fact. Being reminded was hard during week one and two of non smoking, but week three was much easier because I felt no serious need for nicotine anymore. Now I’m in week four and I think I’m cured for good!!

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