Stop Smoking Dream

Stop Smoking Dream

On the second day after my wife's return back home as I wrote about in my previous entry (stop smoking), I had a dream in the morning...  Honestly, I do not dream very often or at least I hardly ever remember my dreams. But this dream was very clear. I dreamed that I had quit smoking and in my dream I felt very healthy and somehow freed from some kind of weird bondage to those cigarettes. It felt unbelievably real, I seemed to switch between views of myself from a distant angle and views from my own eyes as I was dreaming the story. This again was something I do not remember ever experiencing before. I am not a dream expert but I dreamed this just before my alarm clock went off.

Now I remember it just like it was a movie, being in nature, surrounded by green foliage trees and blooming flowers. I was running and could breathe freely and smell the freshness of the forest and the flowers. It was like a scene from a movie where happy people walk, talk, and run through a field of green grass and blooming flowers. Waking up after that dream I kept the same feeling of this dream with me. Coming down stairs to smoke my first cigarette of the day in the kitchen, there was only one left in the package. With that I decided that I had to quit smoking. I felt it was a coincidence which I couldn't ignore. That last cigarette was delicious but also made me realize that it was a disgusting habit. To inhale all those chemicals seemed so useless and ultimately dumb... I knew that this had to be the last cigarette I would smoke in my life.

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